Xiaomi, the Chinese 4-year-old smartphone manufacturer, which rose to take the top 5 position in the world, made its debut in India recently. After a successful launch and sale of the Mi 3 handsets, they have sold more than 2 lakh Redmi 1S handsets in the country. The Redmi 1S is presently the only budget Android smartphone with a quad-core processor, 5-inch display and an 8 MP camera.
However, since the sale of the Redmi 1S in India, Xiaomi has been getting a lot of flak from customers with regards to the sale as well as the handset. Customers have been flocking in more than 2 lakh numbers to buy the handset, but Flipkart and Xiaomi have managed to only cater to maximum 1 lakh customers in each sale.
Apart from buying woes, customers who have already purchased the handset and are using them are complaining about heating issues and a sluggish user interface. While some power users will definitely spot the issue, others who use the smartphone for basic communication and minimal voice and data will not notice the same.
ALSO READ: Xiaomi Redmi 1S review
To ensure that their customers and fans are satisfied, Xiaomi has been working on a lot of feedback and have managed to resolve the related issues. A post by Xiaomi VP Global Hugo Barra was shared on their official Indian Facebook page, which stated that Xiaomi has addressed the issues such as overheating, laggy UI, battery life, RAM availability and overall performance by rolling out an update for India.
Hugo Barra stated that the issue of the handset overheating (sometimes more than 45-degrees C) could be due to the warmer areas in India. To overcome this issue, they have released the update (v45), which improves their algorithm for thermal control and regulate the temperature in a better way. They have run a few tests in their labs and confirmed that the new update helps keep the handset temperature below 38-degrees C and also significantly improves the battery life. He also promised that all future updates for India will have this optimisation and also urges customers to send them feedback.
Hugo further stated that customers complained about RAM issues, where certain apps would get killed in the background and the new update also addresses these issues. Other customers who reported performance issues (due to CPU throttling and temperature rise) would also be solved. Lastly, a few customers claimed that the Xiaomi Redmi 1S specifications were different on the Mi website, Flipkart portal and the handset specifications. These issues are related to a certain system information file (build.prop) inside the MIUI ROM, which is the main culprit for reporting the errors. The new update will also fix the same.
Xiaomi seems to be active on resolving handset and operating system issues and urges their customers to send them feedback so that they can resolve the issues at the earliest. So make sure you have updated your Xiaomi Redmi 1S handset to the latest operating system version (v45) to solve your heating and performance issues.
In order to make sure that your handset is in top performance without any issues or bugs after an update, ensure that you take a complete backup of your apps, data and settings before the update. Once the backup is done, copy the backup files to your computer and factory reset your Xiaomi handset. Then update the operating system to the latest version and later copy the backup back to the handset and restore the data.
The Redmi 1S is a dual SIM smartphone featuring a 4.7-inch IPS LCD display with a resolution of 720x1280 pixels and protected by an AGC Dragontrail scratch-resistant glass. The smartphone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 chipset with four processors clocked at 1.6GHz and coupled with an Adreno 305 graphics processor and 1GB of RAM. The internal storage provided is 8GB, expandable to 64GB via a micro SD card. The rear shooter is an 8MP with a single LED flash, while a front-facing 1.6MP camera is also provided. Connectivity options include 3G, Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, Bluetooth, GPS and GLONASS. Lastly, the phone is fuelled by a 2050 mAh battery and runs on a custom Android flavour of Jelly Bean v4.3 operating system, MIUI V5. The Redmi 1S weighs 158g and is 9.9mm thick.
The Xiaomi Redmi 1S is priced at Rs 5,999 and Flipkart will be holding their flash sale today at 2PM. They are presently having 100,000 Redmi 1S handsets for sale
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